Colorado Springs Citizens Turn to Beauprez on Education

Press Release

Date: Sept. 24, 2014
Issues: K-12 Education

During an open, hour-long conversation with gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez Tuesday evening, concerned citizens in Colorado Springs continually steered discussion towards a single theme: education.

'I'm a little disgusted in how we didn't improve in education,' said one voter in attendance, according to The Gazette.

Yet the concern is not unique to Colorado Springs voters. Parents and teachers across the state have voiced concern over the state's failing education system and John Hickenlooper's failure to stand up for Colorado educators.

The state's implementation of Common Core has left teachers trapped, unable to make decisions about what's best for their students.

"'We ought to pass a teacher's bill of rights to trust that teachers are professionals, too," Beauprez said, quoted by The Gazette. "Hold them accountable. If they're not a good teacher, encourage them to go find something else to do or get them the help they need to become a good teacher, but get good teachers in the classroom and then trust them and parents.'"

As governor, Beauprez has vowed to get the state out of Common Core, and restore sovereignty over education to parents and teachers.
